Saturday, April 3, 2010

Rediscovered Negatives: Los Colores de Coahuila

Sabinas, Coahuila, April 2002

This photograph of a well-worn -- but still very sweet -- 1964 Plymouth Valiant was featured in Los Colores de Coahuila on my defunct website, which due to the vagaries of the buyout of FlashNet by Prodigy, the buyout of Prodigy by SBC Global, and the buyout of SBC Global by AT&T, has become impossible to remove my primitive and outdated site from the Internet -- whenever I telephone the customer service people at AT&T, they never even heard of FlashNet, nor have the faintest notion whom I should call, as we cancelled our FlashNet account in 2004.

Still, I love the juxtapositions of color from this print:  Deep aquamarine blue against pale salmon, and loam green and golden amber competing for the eye's attention.