Monday, April 12, 2010

Rediscovered Negatives: Los Colores de Coahuila

Piedras Negras, Coahuila, March 2000

Just ten years and one month ago, I was armed with my Ricoh KR-5 Super and five rolls of Kodak Vericolor III film.  Of all the places I most miss, Coahuila tops the list.  It is the place my heart and mind keep coming back to.  Alas, it is much too dangerous to go there these days because of the "War On Drugs."  It is a disgusting waste of human life: Mexicans being slaughtered in the street because of Americans' greed to get high.  One good reason to decriminalize drugs.  Still, the drug cartels corrupting Mexican politics and society are terrorizing the people, who are defenseless.  

One good reason to legalize firearms ownership in Mexico.  Until then, the slaughter of the innocents will continue....