Corpus Christi, Texas, May 2000
My first big break as a photographer was having my portfolio, Concrete Cathedrals, accepted for publication by Black & White Magazine (U.S.A.). I got the acceptance letter in December 2002, which took over a month to reach me, as I'd just moved from San Antonio to Philadelphia. Coming as it did after seven rejection letters from lesser publications, I was more than elated.
A monochromatic paean to the austere and imposing grain elevators which dot the landscape of the Great Plains, Concrete Cathedrals is a work in progress. As literally thousands of these monolithic edifices are found across North America, I am certain to pass into the hereafter decades from now no closer to finishing than Franz Schubert was his Eighth Symphony.
A special dedicatory goes to fans in London, who like the SciFi feel of some of my black-and-white compositions. I hope you enjoy this!