Cadillac Graveyard, U.S. Route 66
Amarillo, Texas, June 2006
It is very difficult photographing a place that's been made famous primarily through some predecessor's camera. Such is the case with the whimsical and eccentric Cadillac Graveyard outside Amarillo (which my Puerto Rican friend Marimer pronounces "Amarijo") on the famed Mother Road, U.S. Route 66
So, instead of trying a novel angle, or ultra-saturated color palette, I put a magazine loaded with Agfapan 25 on the back of my Rolleiflex SL-66, put a yellow filter over the lens, and shot a whole roll of people interacting with the famed car sculpture.
Except, I didn't: When I unloaded the magazine up the road, I found it'd been loaded with Fuji Velvia 50
! I had the lab pull it to ASA 25, and talk about saturation, as in yellow!
So, by virtue of my Nikon Coolscan
and Adobe Photoshop
, I played around and tweaked this image until it achieved its intended look.